Read and write many popular chemical file types for working with the applications you use:
The ChemBioDraw Ultra 13.0 suite provides scientists with an up to date collection of scientifically intelligent applications for chemical structure drawing and analysis combined with biological. Avogadro is one such app. Avogadro is a free and open-source molecule editor where users can input chemical compounds and elements and construct a visual image for them. System Requirements Avogadro is available for the three main operating systems; Windows, Mac, and Linux.
ACD/ChemSketch Documents (.sk2), ChemDoodle Documents (.icl), ChemDoodle 3D Scenes (.ic3), ChemDoodle Javascript Data (.cwc.js), CambridgeSoft ChemDraw Exchange (.cdx), CambridgeSoft ChemDraw XML (.cdxml), Crystallographic Information Format (.cif), CHARMM CARD File (.crd), ChemAxon Marvin Document (.mrv), Chemical Markup Language (.cml), Daylight SMILES (.smi, .smiles), IUPAC InChI (.inchi), IUPAC JCAMP-DX (.jdx, .dx), ISIS Sketch File (.skc), ISIS Sketch Transportable Graphics File (.tgf), MDL MOLFiles, both V2000 and V3000 connection tables (.mol, .mdl), MDL SDFiles (.sdf, .sd), MDL RDFiles (.rdf, .rd), MDL RXNFiles, both V2000 and V3000 connection tables (.rxn), MMI SketchEl Molecule (.el), Molinspiration JME String (.jme), RCSB MacroMolecular Transmission Format (.mmtf), RCSB Protein Data Bank Files (.pdb, .ent), Schrödinger MacroModel (.mmd, .mmod), Schrödinger Maestro (.mae), Standard Molecular Data (.smd), Tripos Mol2 (.mol2, .ml2, .sy2), Tripos Sybyl Line Notation (.sln), Beilstein ROSDAL (.ros), XYZ Files (.xyz)
There are various software available in the internet today that will allow you to draw pictures easily. These software will give you the professional touch to your drawings in a fun filled way.
Check out these software available for free and in the platforms of Windows, Linux, Mac OS X and Android.
1. GIMP – A Multi-purpose Software That Allows You To Draw
Check out GIMP if you want drawing software that can be used as a photo editor as well
- Change the size, angle, opacity of the brush while you paint
- Comprises of both basic and advanced features
- Intuitive and easy to work with
- Cons: Not a vector editor, but a Image Manipulation Program
2. Project DogWaffle 1.2 – A Light Yet Powerful Drawing Tool
Download Project DogWaffle, a software that comes with a great range of feature and it’s perfect for beginners.
- Lets you create as many layers you want
- Animation capabilities such as loading and saving frame sequences are present
- Supports popular format such as PSD (photoshop)
- Cons: Paid upgraded version (2.0) contains more features
3. Krita – An Open Source Digital Painting and Illustration Application
Use Krita if you want a software with a user friendly interface and unique features
- Rotate the canvas easily; and Open GL canvas supports high-bit depth monitors
- Press W key to toggle the wrap-around mode
- Multiple brush engines which include effects such as pixel, smudge colour, dyna etc.
- Includes raster, vector, filter, programming, group layers
4. SmoothDraw – A Digital Free Hand Drawing Tool
Use SmoothDraw, an award winning drawing software.
- Supports many kind of brushes and retouch tools
- New paint window interface which make it compatible with WINDOWS 10
- Supports image transform, layer blend models and free canvas rotation
- Sub-pixel smoothing for thin lines
5. PictBear – A Customizable Drawing Software
Download PictBear, a drawing tool that supports many picture formats
- Grid functions which in automatically displayed and is useful for drawing dot paintings
- Customize to make functions by yourself by using scripts
- Supports a wide range of formats such as: pbx/tiff/pcx/ras/tga/wmf/gif/j2k/jpg/jsf/bmp/png/psd
Chemdraw Mac
6. MyPaint – A Software For Pressure Sensitive Graphics Tablets
Use MyPaint if you want a fast open-source drawing software
- Large brush collection include charcoal and ink
- Portable version of the software is available for Linux
- Compact and intuitive brush editor
7. DrawPile – A Next Generation Paint Program
Free Chemical Drawing Software For Mac Free
Check out DrawPile, a software that will allow multiple users to paint on a canvas at a time
- Adjust colour picker sampler area
- Five tools slots available for preparing brush presets and toggling between them
- Multiple layers are supported, with features such as transparency, blend etc.
- Record drawing sessions
8. Inkscape Illustrator
9. RealWorld Paint
10. Tux Paint
The software listed above are completely free and are suitable for both beginners and professionals. They are feature rich and easy to use. So dive in and download these softwares!